Monday, November 4, 2013

What is a Brazilian wax

For the modern woman, grooming is an important aspect of life. One of the modern aspects of grooming is hair removal. Women will have hair removal done for a variety of reasons. Some do it for hygiene purposes while others do it to look and feel sexier. Whatever the reason for hair removal, most women choose to go for the method that lasts longer so that they do not have to spend a lot of time getting rid of excess hair.

A Brazilian wax is one of the most common methods of hair removal. A Brazilian wax entails the removal of hair usually both on the front and back of the pelvic area. Just like with any hair removal process, the biggest question is usually about how long the Brazilian wax lasts before hair grows back. The most general answer would be between 3 to 4 weeks but there are several things that determine

How long the Brazilian wax will last?

Some of these determinants include:
Brazilian wax

  • Hair growth rate: this is the greatest determinant of how long a Brazilian wax will last. If you have slow hair growth rate then the wax will also last for longer time compared to someone with fast hair growth rate.
  • Heat: heat will usually stimulate hair growth and therefore a bikini wax may last longer during the winter than during summer time.
  • Waxing intervals: If you maintain a steady waxing routine, you will realize that the intervals between your waxing appointments will steadily increase.
    You can read more about it here.

Brazilian wax tips

If you have relatively long hairs, it is advisable to trim them a little before going in for the wax appointment. Some professionals will be willing to trim them for you during the session but others will not do it so just to be sure especially for your first appointment, try and trim them a little.Choose the best time to wax

Your first waxing appointment will hurt so be prepared to bear the pain. However, if you continue waxing regularly, the pain will continue to decrease and after a few sessions the pain will be quite minimal. It is also advisable to not take too long before your next waxing appointment because the longer you wait, the more painful your next session will be.

If you are afraid of pain, it would be in your best interest to not make an appointment just before your periods because at that time your body is more sensitive and therefore waxing will seem even more painful. The best time for a waxing appointment is a week after your menstrual period.calm down
Talking with the beautician during the waxing will help calm you down and keep your mind of the pain. Most people try to hold their breath during the session but this is never a good idea. When your mind is fixated on the pain, the whole process will feel even more painful.After Care

Immediately after the Brazilian wax, it is best to apply a soothing cream to avoid any irritation. Usually the beautician will recommend a soothing cream for you to use. It is also advisable to keep away from heat sources like saunas and steam baths at least 24 hours after your wax.
After the session, it is also advisable to exfoliate regularly to avoid ingrown hairs. Exfoliation should be done two to three times a week.


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  2. I have just recently gotten in shape and have been thinking about starting waxing. I have never don't waxing before so i have been trying to figure out what kind is the best. It seems like Brazilian waxing is what would work best for me.

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  4. This article is every helpful information for the person that is new to Brazilian and bikini waxing.

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